This Visa allows you to stay in Australia to study a full-time English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS).
Requirements: You might be able to get this visa if you are enrolled as a student in a registered English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS).
This visa allows you to stay in Australia to study a full-time school course.
Requirements: You might be able to get this visa if you are enrolled as a student at a primary or secondary school participating in a secondary school exchange program.
This visa allows you to stay in Australia to study a full-time vocational education and training course.Streamlined Visa Processing for this visa is designed for international students applying to study in Australia at a participating education provider. You may be eligible for streamlined visa processing if your main course of study is an Advanced Diploma level course.
Requirements: You might be able to get this visa if you are:
enrolled as a student in a registered vocational education and training course.
enrolled as a student in a registered course for the award of advanced diploma.
This visa allows you to stay in Australia to study a full-time higher education course.Streamlined Visa Processingfor this visa is designed for international students applying to study in Australia at a participating education provider. You may be eligible for streamlined visa processing if your main course of study is anAdvanced diploma, Bachelors degree or a Masters by coursework.
Requirements: You might be able to get this visa if you are enrolled as a student in a registered course for the award of:
This visa is for international students who have recently graduated from an Australian educational institution. It lets you work in Australia temporarily after you have finished your studies.
Requirements: You might be eligible to apply for this visa if you: